Experts from every corner of the continent took part in the Wrap-Up Sessions of
the Second Inter American Conference on Gerontology
of the Latino Center on Aging, "Hunger and Aging: A Rising Double Challenge."
This was held in Cupey, Puerto Rico from April 25-27, 2001, co-sponsored by the Universidad
Metropolitana and the Gerontological Society of Puerto Rico.
Experts from United States, México, Costa Rica, Argentina and Chile reported on the
three regional meetings that were held during 2000 in North, Centro and South America.
Also, representatives from Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico presented
the newest demographic data and nutritional indexes for the Caribbean.
Dr. Fernando
Morales from the National Geriatric Hospital of Costa Rica; Sandra Blau representative of Philip Morris;
Mrs. Lorena de Rodríguez, First Lady of Costa Rica and Mario Tapia, LCA.
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The total number of participants was: 1350, presentors were: 90, local organizers: 150.
Everyone coincided that, for the good of the millions conforming the Latino elderly of the Continent, all sessions were very productive.
The Conference was partially funded by Philip Morris Companies.
The First LCA's Inter American Conference
on Gerontology was held in Chile, 1994, at which experts from seven American countries